Valoración de Servicios Ecosistémicos
Conceptos, Herramientas y Aplicaciones para el Ordenamiento Territorial
Laterra, P., E. Jobbágy y J. Paruelo (Eds.) 2011
Ediciones INTA. 740 pp.
ISBN: 978-987-679-018-5.
Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Rangelands of the Rıo de la Plata Basin
Paruelo J.M., Piñeiro G, Baldi G, Baeza S, Lezama F, Altesor A.I. y Oesterheld M. 2010.
Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:89-108
Ecosystem functional changes associated with land clearing in NW Argentina
Volante, J. N., D. Alcaraz-Segura, M. J. Mosciaro, E. F. Viglizzo, and J. M. Paruelo. 2012.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 154:12-22
Ecosystem services and tree plantations in Uruguay: A reply to Vihervaara et al. (2012)
Paruelo, J. M. 2012.
Forest Policy and Economics 22:85-88
Ecosystem service evaluation to support land-use policy
Viglizzo E.F., J.M. Paruelo, P. Laterra, E.G. Jobbágy. 2012.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 154: 78-84
Ecosystem services research in LatinAmerica: The state of the art.
Balvanera, P. Uriarte M., Almeida-Leñero L., Altesor A., DeClerck F., Gardner T., Hall J., Lara A., Laterra P., Peñaa-Claros M., Silva Matos D.M., Romero-Duque L.P. Vogl A.P., Arreola L.F., Caro-Borrero A.P, Gallego F., Jain M., Little C., deOliveira Xavierm R., Paruelo J.M., Peinado J.M., Poorter L., Azcarrunz N., Correa F.,.Cunha-Santinom M.B., Hernández-Sánchez A.P, Vallejos M.. 2012.
Ecosystem Services 2:56-70
Greenness in semi-arid areas across the globe 1981–2007 — an Earth Observing Satellite based analysis of trends and drivers
Fensholt R., T. Langanke, K. Rasmussen, A. Reenberg, S.D. Prince, C. Tucker, R. J. Scholes, Q.B. Le, A. Bondeau, R. Eastman, H. Epstein, A. E. Gaughan, U. Hellden, C. Mbow, L. Olsson, J.M. Paruelo, C. Schweitzer, J. Seaquist, K. Wessels. 2012.
Remote Sensing of Environment 121: 144-158.
Land use in the dry subtropics: Vegetation composition and production across contrasting human contexts
Baldi,G. & E.G. Jobbágy. 2012
Journal of Arid Environments 76:115-127
Soil C and N changes with afforestation of grasslands across gradients of precipitation and plantation age
Berthrong S.T.; G. Piñeiro, E.G. Jobbágy & R.B. Jackson. 2012
Ecological Applications 22(1): 76–86
Spatial complexity and ecosystem services in rural landscapes
Laterra, P., M.E. Orúe & G.C. Booman. 2012.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 154: 56– 67
Spatial variability of above-ground net primary production in Uruguayan grasslands: a remote sensing approach
Baeza S, Lezama F, Piñeiro G, Altesor A. y Paruelo J.M. 2010.
Applied Vegetation Science 13: 72–85.
The ecosystem functioning dimension in conservation: Insights from remote sensing
Cabello, J. , Fernández, N.b, Alcaraz-Segura, D., Oyonarte, C., Piñeiro, G., Altesor, A., Delibes, M., Paruelo, J.M.. 2012.
Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 3287-3305
Water subsidies from mountains to deserts: Their role sustaining groundwater-fed oases in a sandy landscape
Jobbágy E.G, M.D. Nosetto, P.E. Villagra, R.B. Jackson. 2011.
Ecological Applications 21(3): 678–694